FeaturedPsychology·October 31, 2013·2 min readResearch Finds Pain in Infancy Alters Response to Stress and Anxiety Later in LifeInfants who do not receive analgesics while undergoing treatment and tests in neonatal intensive care could have permanently altered future responses to anxiety, pain and stress in adulthood, a new study reports.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·October 29, 2013·3 min readScientists Reduce Behaviours Associated with Problem Gambling in RatsDrugs that block dopamine D4 receptors have been used to reduce behaviors associated with compulsive gambling in rat models, a new study reports.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·October 25, 2013·5 min readNew Study Shows Promise for First Effective Medicine to Treat Cocaine DependenceTopiramate, a drug used to treat migraine headaches and epilepsy, could also help treat cocaine addiction, a new study reports.Read More
FeaturedGeneticsOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·October 24, 2013·9 min readGenetic Analysis Reveals Insights into the Genetic Architecture of OCD, Tourette SyndromeA new study confirms both OCD and TS are highly heritable. The research also reveals major differences between the underlying genetic makeup of both disorders.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·October 16, 2013·3 min readSchizophrenia Linked to Abnormal Brain WavesResearchers have observed the neural activity which appears to produce the disordered thinking associated with schizophrenia.Read More
FeaturedOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·October 15, 2013·5 min readNew Role for ‘Hunger Hormone’: Study Finds Ghrelin Primes the Brain for PTSDThe "hunger hormone" ghrelin, when released during chronic stress, makes the brain more vulnerable to traumatic events. Researchers suggest this could predispose people to PTSD.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·October 10, 2013·5 min readSticks and Stones: Brain Releases Natural Painkillers During Social RejectionResearchers find the opioid system responds to social rejection, not just physical pain.Read More
FeaturedGeneticsOpen Neuroscience Articles·October 8, 2013·4 min readTwo Genes Linked to Increased Risk for Eating DisordersResearchers have identified two gene mutations associated with an increased risk of developing eating disorders.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·October 3, 2013·2 min readHow Depression Blurs MemoriesThe more depressed a person is, the harder it is for them to distinguish between similar items or experiences, a new study finds.Read More
FeaturedOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·October 3, 2013·5 min readPower of Precision Medicine Shown in Successful Treatment of Patient with Disabling OCDA new study provides a glimpse into the current limitations and powerful implications of precision medicine.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·October 1, 2013·2 min readSmoking During Pregnancy May Increase Risk of Bipolar Disorder in OffspringA new study suggests a link between prenatal tobacco exposure and an increased risk of developing bipolar disorder in adult offspring.Read More
FeaturedOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·September 27, 2013·3 min readResearch Attributes High Rates of Smoking Among Mentally Ill to Addiction VulnerabilityNew research indicates mental illness could make the brain more susceptible to smoking and nicotine addiction.Read More