FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscience·August 16, 2012·3 min readMulti-dimensional Brain Measurements Can Assess Child’s AgeResearchers have developed a multidimensional set of brain measurements that, when taken together, can accurately assess a child’s age with 92 percent accuracy.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·August 9, 2012·2 min readBrain Hubs Boil when Hoarders Face Pitching Their Own StuffIn patients with hoarding disorder, parts of a decision-making brain circuit under-activated when dealing with others’ possessions, but over-activated when deciding whether to keep or discard their own things.Read More
NeurologyPsychology·August 8, 2012·2 min readOne Week of Therapy May Help Reorganize Brain, Reduce StutteringJust one week of speech therapy may reorganize the brain, helping to reduce stuttering, according to a study published in the August 8, 2012, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.Read More
FeaturedNeurology·August 7, 2012·3 min readMaking It Easier to Learn to Read: Dyslexia Caused by Signal Processing in the BrainMajor step in understanding the cause of dyslexia is taken. Scientists have discovered an important neural mechanism underlying dyslexia and shown that many difficulties associated with dyslexia can potentially be traced back to a malfunction of the medial geniculate body in the thalamus.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·August 1, 2012·4 min readBrain Imaging Can Predict How Intelligent You Are, Study FindsResearch from Washington University in St. Louis suggests that another 10 percent of individual differences in intelligence can be explained by the strength of neural pathways connecting the left lateral prefrontal cortex to the rest of the brain.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·July 30, 2012·3 min readBrains Are Different in People with Highly Superior Autobiographical MemoryUC Irvine scientists have discovered intriguing differences in the brains and mental processes of an extraordinary group of people who can effortlessly recall every moment of their lives since about age 10. Research offers the first scientific findings about nearly a dozen people with this highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM).Read More
FeaturedNeurologyPsychology·July 30, 2012·2 min readBrain Development is Delayed in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderResearchers found that development of the cortical surface is delayed in frontal brain regions in children with ADHD. The typically developing children attained 50% peak area in the right prefrontal cortex at a mean age of 12.7 years, whereas the ADHD children didn’t reach this peak until 14.6 years of age.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·July 27, 2012·2 min readConnectomics: Mapping the Neural Network Governing Male Roundworm MatingResearchers determined how the neurons and muscles are connected in a decision-making neural network important for mating in C. elegans. The team also accurately measured the weights of those connections, i.e., an estimate of the strength with which one neuron or muscle communicates with another.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·July 27, 2012·3 min readThe Seat of Meta-Consciousness in the BrainStudies of lucid dreamers visualise which centers of the brain become active when we become aware of ourselves. Studies demonstrate that a specific cortical network consisting of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the frontopolar regions and the precuneus is activated when this lucid consciousness is attained.Read More
ElectrophysiologyFeaturedNeuroscience·June 13, 2012·3 min readConscious Perception is a Matter of Global Neural NetworksNew findings support the view that the content of consciousness is not localised in a unique cortical area. Consciousness is...Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·June 12, 2012·5 min readStudy Reveals How Brain Performs Motor Chunking TasksYou pick up your cell phone and dial the new number of a friend. Ten numbers. One. Number. At. A....Read More
ElectrophysiologyFeatured·June 5, 2012·2 min readBetween the Ear and Brain, an Orderly Orchestra of SynapsesA new study finds that the ear delivers sound information to the brain in a surprisingly organized fashion. The brain...Read More