Migraine sufferers needlessly enduring agonizing pain

Summary: Many people who suffer migraines are often diagnosed with other conditions. For those with a clinical diagnosis, many are unaware of treatment options available for pain and to slow the frequency of attacks.

Source: Australian National University

Hundreds of thousands of Australians are needlessly enduring days of agony because they don’t know how to prevent migraines, researchers from The Australian National University (ANU) have found.

Once diagnosed migraines can be effectively managed. But the researchers say sufferers don’t recognize the symptoms and so don’t seek the right treatment.

Dr Stephanie Goodhew, from the Research School of Psychology, says the study highlights a need for a public health campaign to inform the community on the treatments and defining features of migraines.

“Migraine is more than a headache. It is an incredibly disabling condition that is also incredibly common – about 15 percent of the population suffer from migraines,” said Dr Goodhew.

“What is unique about it is that among neurological conditions, migraines are one of the most underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed conditions. A lot of people have migraines and don’t realize they have it.”

“Even when people see their GP it can be missed or undiagnosed.

“People think having headaches is not big deal but having a migraine is not just a headache. It is a much more severe pain and can be debilitating.”

The study found one-in-five people who suffered migraine did not know about preventative medications they can access – which include Botox.

“This research shows people suffering from migraines often have incomplete or insufficient information about their own condition,” said Dr Goodhew.

“If we can allow people to have greater knowledge about migraine they can advocate for the right level of care.”

The study also showed one-in-five people who had migraine did not know about any of the dangers with acute medication treatments, which are often used to treat the condition.

“In the short term acute medications can massively reduce the pain but there are other risks if those medications are overused,” Dr Goodhew said.

This shows a man sitting on a sofa holding his head
The study found one-in-five people who suffered migraine did not know about preventative medications they can access – which include Botox. The image is in the public domain.

“They can create rebound headaches and they can create the problem that you are seeking to treat.”

“If you have migraines talk to your GP, arm yourself with knowledge and ask for a referral to a neurologist.”

Dr Goodhew says she struggled to find a diagnosis and appropriate treatment for her own migraines.

“I have had migraines my whole life, but I only received a diagnosis in my twenties,” she said.

“When I have one, looking at light induces a razor sharp pain and I was lucky enough to see a particularly savvy GP that realised I was light sensitive and referred me to a neurologist.”

The researcher says the challenge for practitioners is that there is no single biological marker that indicates someone is suffering from a migraine and people experience different symptoms.

“The source of the pain is often unilateral, on one side of the head whereas your standard headache is all over the head,” she said.

“Some people suffer from Aura – visual disturbances, or sensitivity to light. Others might feel nausea or dizzy.

About this neuroscience research article

Australian National University
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Press Office – Australian National University
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The image is in the public domain.

Original Research: Open access
“Migraine Literacy and Treatment in a University Sample”. Stephanie C. Goodhew.
Springer Nature Comprehensive Clinical Medicine doi:10.1007/s42399-019-00124-y.


Migraine Literacy and Treatment in a University Sample

There are many factors that can lead to underutilization of appropriate medical treatments for migraine, including a poor understanding regarding the diagnostic features of migraine and available treatment options. The purpose of the present study was therefore to assess migraine literacy and factors leading to different treatment decisions. Respondents were 229 university students, both migraineurs and non-migraineurs, who completed online questionnaires which surveyed their knowledge of migraines, and for migraineurs, their experiences of migraine and migraine treatment. While migraineurs had significantly greater migraine literacy than non-migraineurs according to the questions asked, knowledge was incomplete in both groups. The majority of migraineurs who used prescription medication for acute pain relief found such medications to be very effective, and for those who did not use such medications, one in five cited the reason was that they did not know that such medications were available. The imperfect migraine literacy, both in terms of diagnostic features and available treatments, highlights avenues for future public health awareness campaigns.

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