Psychology News

These research articles involve many aspects of psychology such as cognitive psychology, depression studies, mental health, stress, happiness and neuropsychology, Scroll below for more specific categories.

This shows an older man in a face mask, looking scared, surrounded by covid
People with schizophrenia are 2.7 times more likely to die as a result of contracting coronavirus than other groups of people. Schizophrenia is second only to age in mortality risk for COVID-19 infection.The higher risk could not be explained by other risk factors associated with the mental health disorder, including smoking, heart disease, and diabetes. People with other mental health and anxiety disorders are not at increased risk of death associated with COVID-19.
This shows a swirly, psychedelic brain
LSD increases social behaviors by activating 5-HTPA serotonin receptors and AMPA receptors in the prefrontal cortex, and the mTORC1 protein. Activating all three factors promoted social interactions. The findings suggest supervised LSD microdosing may help alleviate some of the social problems associated with ASD and other mental health disorders that impact social behaviors.