Climate Change May Shorten Lifespan by 6 Months

Summary: Climate change may reduce the average human lifespan by six months. The research analyzed data from 191 countries over 80 years, focusing on temperature, rainfall, and life expectancy.

A novel composite climate change index was developed, combining temperature and rainfall to assess the overall impact of climate change. The study found that a 1°C rise in global temperature could decrease life expectancy by approximately 5 months, with women and people in developing countries being most affected.

Key Facts:

  1. The study links a 1°C increase in global temperature to a decrease in life expectancy by about 5 months.
  2. A 10-point increase in the composite climate change index correlates with a 6-month reduction in average life expectancy.
  3. The research highlights that climate change disproportionately affects women and individuals in developing countries.

Source: PLOS

The cost of climate change may be six months off the average human lifespan, according to a study published January 18, 2024, in the open-access journal PLOS Climate by Amit Roy from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology and The New School for Social Research, U.S.

Temperature and rainfall — two telltale signals of climate change — cause myriad public health concerns, from the acute and direct (e.g., natural disasters like flooding and heat waves) to the indirect yet equally devastating (e.g., respiratory and mental illnesses).

This shows a young child and man.
Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to a changing environment are of particular importance, the author says. Credit: Neuroscience News

While impacts like these are observable and well documented, existing research has not established a direct link between climate change and life expectancy.

To clarify this relationship, the author evaluated average temperature, rainfall, and life expectancy data from 191 countries from 1940-2020, using GDP per capita to control for drastic differences between countries.

In addition to measuring the isolated impacts of temperature and rainfall, the author designed a first-of-its-kind composite climate change index, which combines the two variables to gauge the overarching severity of climate change.

Results indicate that in isolation, a global temperature increase of 1°C  is associated with an average human life expectancy decrease of approximately 0.44 years, or about 5 months and 1 week.

A 10-point increase in the composite climate change index — which accounts for both temperature and rainfall — is expected to decrease the average life expectancy by 6 months. Women and individuals in developing nations are disproportionately affected.

Beyond the results of this study, Dr Roy is hopeful that the composite climate change index will standardize the global conversation about climate change; become a usable metric for the nonscientific public; and encourage collaboration and even friendly competition among countries to combat the impacts of climate change.

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to a changing environment are of particular importance, the author says.

To complement this large-scale approach, the author suggests localized future studies that consider specific severe weather events (e.g., wildfires, tsunamis, and floods), the impacts of which cannot be fully captured through analyzing temperature and rainfall alone.

Dr. Roy adds: “The global threat posed by climate change to the well-being of billions underscores the urgent need to address it as a public health crisis, as revealed by this study, emphasizing that mitigation efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and proactive initiatives are essential to safeguard life expectancy and protect the health of populations worldwide.”

About this environmental neuroscience and longevity research news

Author: Charlotte Bhaskar
Source: PLOS
Contact: Charlotte Bhaskar – PLOS
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: The findings will appear in PLOS Climate

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  1. Gee, Greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere from electronic devices and their associated electronic waste increased by 53 percent between 2014 and 2020, including 580 metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2020 alone, according to University of California, Irvine researchers. They estimate that without regulation or a legal framework to extend the useful life of information and communication technology devices, about 852 million metric tons of CO2 compounds will be emitted annually from e-waste sources by 2030. So all you dumb dumbs out there should be mad at all the people in BIG TECH creating all this mess. While they fly around in their planes and sail around in Yachts…..quit blaming the wrong people. You have these GREEDY elite rich who don’t care if there are 19 different chargers for a phone and a new phone coming out every week that leads to others tossed in landfill nor do they care that they are creating things that MUST BE REPLACED so the RICH can get richer. It’s called: Planned obsolescence, the calculated act of making sure the existing version of a product will become dated or useless within a known time frame. It can be achieved by designing a product to cease proper function or by offering a superior replacement model.

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