Psychology News

These research articles involve many aspects of psychology such as cognitive psychology, depression studies, mental health, stress, happiness and neuropsychology, Scroll below for more specific categories.

A sense of purpose in life, irrespective of its nature, can be a robust defense against loneliness. A new study, involving over 2,300 Swiss adults, found fewer instances of loneliness among individuals who led a purposeful life.
A new study delves into the intricate psyche of conspiracy theorists, attributing their beliefs to a mixture of personality traits and motivations. The study suggests conspiracy theorists are not necessarily 'mentally unwell', but often resort to conspiracy theories to fulfill unmet needs and rationalize distress.
Researchers identified a correlation between loss of smell and an increased risk of developing late-life depression. The study, spanning eight years and involving more than 2,000 older adults, doesn't establish causality but suggests that an impaired sense of smell might indicate overall health and well-being.
Stress during adolescence alters brain functions, influencing postpartum social behavior in mammals. The research utilizes optogenetics and calcium imaging techniques to understand neuronal communication in mice that experienced psychosocial stress during adolescence.