Anger Often Overlooked as Feature of Postnatal Mood Disorder

Summary: A new study reveals anger appears to be a significant feature of postnatal mood disorder. Researchers recommend doctors screen for anger, in addition to depression and anxiety during the postpartum period.

Source: University of British Columbia.

Women in the postpartum period should be screened for anger in addition to depression and anxiety, new research from the University of British Columbia suggests.

Although anger has been recognized as an element of postpartum mood problems for some women, it has not been well studied and is not included in the widely used Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale screening tool. In a review of existing research, UBC nursing PhD student Christine Ou found anger to be a significant feature in postpartum mood disturbances.

“We know that mothers can be depressed and anxious in the postpartum period, but researchers haven’t really paid attention to anger,” said Ou. “There’s some evidence that indicates that being both angry and depressed worsens the intensity and length of depression. That can have many negative effects on the mother, child and family, and on the relationship between parents.”

Ou’s analysis, recently published in Birth, also found that feelings of powerlessness, a mismatch between reality and expectations of motherhood, and unmet expectations of support contributed to anger in the context of postpartum depression.

“Anger can be a reaction to broken expectations about what mothering will be like,” Ou explained. “Mothers may feel that they have not met their own expectations and that also others may judge them because, for example, they’re formula-feeding instead of breastfeeding. Many mothers have also expressed feeling let down by others in terms of support from partners, family members, and health-care providers as well.”

Ou noted that, in many cultures, anger is not seen as an acceptable emotion for people, especially women, to express, which may be the reason postpartum anger has not been closely examined.

a mom and baby
Ou noted that, in many cultures, anger is not seen as an acceptable emotion for people, especially women, to express, which may be the reason postpartum anger has not been closely examined. image is in the public domain.

“Some theorists have speculated that people may be angered by their circumstances, and when things don’t change some people may lapse into depression,” she said. “With postpartum depression and anger, we don’t necessarily know which came first–the depression or the anger–but we ought to look at whether mothers are feeling angry or experiencing both anger and depression.”

Ou’s thesis supervisor and co-author, UBC nursing professor Wendy Hall, said the analysis is an important starting point to identify potential contributors to postnatal anger and its expression.

“We know that children who are exposed to parental anger or depression are at greater risk of developing emotional problems,” said Hall. “This new research suggests that it’s important for health-care providers and researchers to examine maternal anger in the postnatal period in order to understand and manage that risk.”

About this neuroscience research article

Source: Lou Bosshart – University of British Columbia
Publisher: Organized by
Image Source: image is in the public domain.
Original Research: Open access research for “Anger in the context of postnatal depression: An integrative review” by Christine H. Ou RN, MSN and Wendy A. Hall RN, PhD in Birth. Published May 20 2018.

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[cbtabs][cbtab title=”MLA”]University of British Columbia “Anger Often Overlooked as Feature of Postnatal Mood Disorder.” NeuroscienceNews. NeuroscienceNews, 26 June 2018.
<>.[/cbtab][cbtab title=”APA”]University of British Columbia (2018, June 26). Anger Often Overlooked as Feature of Postnatal Mood Disorder. NeuroscienceNews. Retrieved June 26, 2018 from[/cbtab][cbtab title=”Chicago”]University of British Columbia “Anger Often Overlooked as Feature of Postnatal Mood Disorder.” (accessed June 26, 2018).[/cbtab][/cbtabs]


Anger in the context of postnatal depression: An integrative review

Contrary to social constructions of new motherhood as a joyous time, mothers may experience postnatal depression and anger. Although postnatal depression has been thoroughly studied, the expression of maternal anger in the context of postnatal depression is conceptually unclear. This integrative review investigated the framing of anger in the context of postnatal depression.

After undertaking a search of CINAHL, Ovid‐Medline, PsycInfo, and Web of Science, we identified qualitative (n = 7) and quantitative (n = 17) papers that addressed maternal anger and postnatal depression. We analyzed the data by developing themes.

Our review indicated that anger was a salient mood disturbance for some postnatally depressed women with themes integrated as: (i) anger accompanying depression, (ii) powerlessness as a component of depression and anger, and (iii) anger occurring as a result of expectations being violated.

Our findings indicate that anger can coexist with women’s postnatal depression. Anger can be expressed toward the self and toward children and family members with negative relationship effects. We recommend that health care providers and researchers consider anger in the context of postnatal mood disturbances.

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