FeaturedNeuroscience·August 24, 2014·3 min readNeuroscience and Big Data: How to Find Simplicity in the BrainA new paper describes the scientific motivations for studying neural activity, along with a class of machine learning, called dimensionality reduction, for interpreting the activity.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·November 22, 2013·3 min readCarnegie Mellon Computer Searches Web 24/7 To Analyze Images and Teach Itself Common SenseThe Never Ending Image Learner (NEIL) computer program is able to label images and learn associations with little human intervention.Read More
Featured·March 9, 2012·5 min readTeach Your Robot WellWithin a decade, personal robots could become as common in U.S. homes as any other major appliance, and many if...Read More
Psychology·March 2, 2012·2 min readNew Software Responds to Students’ Emotions, BoredomEmotion-sensing computer software that models and responds to students’ cognitive and emotional states – including frustration and boredom – has...Read More
Neuroscience·December 22, 2011·4 min readDo You See What I See?Scientists model brain structure to help computers recognize objects An essential question confronting neuroscientists and computer vision researchers alike is...Read More
Neurology·December 21, 2011·5 min readUCLA Neuroscientists Demonstrate Crucial Advances in Brain ReadingInnovative machine learning method anticipates neurocognitive changes, similar to predictive text-entry for cell phones, internet search engines At UCLA’s Laboratory...Read More