FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·May 10, 2024·5 min readThe Rise of Deceptive AI: Manipulation to Achieve GoalsA new study highlights the concerning trend of AI systems learning to deceive humans. Researchers found that AI systems like Meta's CICERO, developed for games like Diplomacy, often adopt deception as a strategy to excel, despite training intentions.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·May 22, 2023·3 min readGuilt-Prone Personalities: A Bulwark Against Bribery?Guilt-prone individuals have been identified as less likely to accept bribes, particularly if it results in harm to others. A new study explored the connection between personality traits and corruption tendencies.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·January 5, 2023·5 min readFree Will: Why People Believe In It Even When They Think They’re Being ManipulatedResearchers question how much free will we really have when we are constantly subjected to manipulative subliminal and direct messages designed to say everything from purchase power to political candidates.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·June 1, 2022·5 min readA Surprising Way to Tamper Ugly Dark Triad Personality TraitsActivities targeting agreeableness were shown to reduce Dark Triad personality traits. However, those with Dark Triad personality disorders are less likely to want intervention to increase agreeableness.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·April 12, 2022·4 min readDisagreeable and Angry: What Makes an A–Hole an A–Hole?Researchers say most people consider manipulative, aggressive, entitled, middle-aged men they encounter to be the most unpleasant people to be around.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·February 6, 2021·3 min readNarcissistic Leaders: Even Children Fall for Their Superficial CharmsYoung children considered to demonstrate more narcissistic traits are viewed by their peers as "true leaders", even when their actual performance was average. Researchers investigate whether narcissistic leadership could develop during childhood.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscienceNeuroscience VideosPsychology·February 14, 2020·3 min readWomen aren’t attracted to easy-to-seduce menWomen can identify men that would be easier to pressure, deceive, seduce, or exploit, but, unlike many men, most women don't find these cues attractive.Read More
FeaturedGeneticsNeurosciencePsychology·November 10, 2019·3 min readWhat is a psychopath?The media often talks about psychopathic people. But what exactly is a psychopath, and how does psychopathy manifest? A new study explores psychopathy and sheds light on how the condition may develop.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·December 2, 2018·5 min readThe Scientific Signs You Are In a Relationship with a PsychopathResearchers reveal the neurobiology and typical behavior associated with psychopathic personalities. The paper explores the red flags that might mean you are in a relationship with a psychopath.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·June 6, 2018·3 min readWant Narcissists to Donate to Your Cause? Make it About ThemResearchers report narcissists who are asked to imagine a recipient's circumstances are more likely to donate to a cause than when the recipient's plight is simply described to them.Read More
AutismFeaturedOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·May 22, 2018·3 min readPeople with ASD at Risk of Manipulation Because they Can’t Tell When They Are Being Lied ToA new study reveals people with ASD may be at higher risk of being manipulated as they find it more difficult to pick up social cues about deceit. Researchers say the ability to detect lies is significantly diminished in those with autism.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·November 17, 2015·2 min readFifty Shades of Abuse: Women Recognize Abusive Behavior in MovieCollege aged students are able to recognize the harmful nature of the romantic relationship portrayed in the blockbuster movie.Read More