Affective Computing: Computers Have Feelings Too

Summary: Researchers turn to affective computing, a branch of artificial intelligence that promotes emotional intelligence in algorithms, to recognize, process, interpret, and simulate human empathy.

Source: Bentham Science Publishing

Affective Computing is an interdisciplinary field that involves Computer Science, Psychology, and Cognitive Science.

Designing affective computing systems aims to simulate and recognize emotions like humans. It can also be considered a part of emotional Intelligence, a subset of Artificial Intelligence.

The best example is the new Apple Watch Ultra which uses sensors to detect body temperature, skin temperature, and other psychological data through its sensors and communicate it to AI systems for health analysis.

Affective Computing is an emerging field that is placed at the intersection of artificial Intelligence and behavioural science. Affective Computing involves studying and developing systems that recognize, interpret, process and simulate human emotions. It has recently seen significant advances from exploratory studies to real-world applications.

Multimodal Affective Computing offers readers a concise overview of the state-of-the-art and emerging themes in affective computing, including a comprehensive review of the existing approaches in applied affective computing systems and social signal processing.

This shows two cute robots sitting on a laptop
Affective Computing is an emerging field that is placed at the intersection of artificial Intelligence and behavioural science. Image is in the public domain

It covers Affective facial expression recognition, affective body expression, affective speech processing, affective text, and dialogue processing. Moreover, it covers computational models of emotion, theoretical foundations, and affective speech and music processing.

This book identifies future directions for affective computing and summarizes guidelines for developing next-generation Affective computing systems that are effective, safe, and human-centred.

The book is an informative resource for Academicians, professionals, researchers, and students at engineering and medical institutions working in the areas of Applied Affective computing, sentiment analysis, and emotion recognition.

About this AI and emotion research news

Author: Noman Akbar
Source: Bentham Science Publishing
Contact: Noman Akbar – Bentham Science Publishing
Image: The image is in the public domain

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