FeaturedMost PopularPsychology·February 4, 2016·3 min readTreating Depression With Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve StimulationResearchers report successfully reducing depressive symptoms in some patients using a non-invasive form of vagus nerve stimulation.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularNeurology·January 27, 2016·4 min readSlower Mental Decline Linked to Higher Amounts of Growth Factor in the BrainA new study reports older people with higher amounts of BDNF in their brains have much slower progression into cognitive decline than those with lower amounts of the protein.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularPsychology·January 21, 2016·3 min readNew Depression Model Outperforms PsychiatristsA new depression model is better able to predict whether a patient will respond to a specific antidepressant than seasoned psychiatrists are able to.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·January 20, 2016·4 min readWhy Your Brain Makes You Slip Up When AnxiousA new study identifies a brain network that makes us stall and stumble when we're anxious.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularPsychology·December 31, 2015·5 min readElectronic Baby Toys Associated with Decrease in Quality and Quantity of Language in InfantsModern electronic infant toys that produce lights, songs and words are associated with a decrease in language quality and quantity in babies compared to more traditional toys, a new study reports.Read More
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FeaturedMost PopularPsychology·November 24, 2015·6 min readAre You Paying Attention? Brain Connections Predict How Well You ConcentrateHow well you are able to focus on the task at hand could be predicted by your brain connections, a new paper reports.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularNeurology·November 23, 2015·4 min readNew Understanding of Cause of Alzheimer’s SymptomsA new study reports amyloid plaques could be strangling blood vessels and this could account for memory loss and other Alzheimer's symptoms.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularNeuroscience·November 20, 2015·2 min readHow the Brain Forms Original and Creative IdeasResearchers report that developing original and creative ideas requires the simultaneous activation of two different brain networks.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularNeuroscience·November 18, 2015·5 min readStrengthening Brain ConnectionsResearchers have identified a mechanism which allows the brain to strengthen links between neurons.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularNeurosciencePsychology·November 17, 2015·19 min readCan You Think Yourself Into a Different Person?A new paper wades through fact and fiction about neuroplasticity.Read More
FeaturedMost PopularOpen Neuroscience Articles·November 11, 2015·4 min readArtificial Neural Network Learns to Use Human LanguageResearchers have developed an artificial neural network that has been able to communicate with and learn human language.Read More