FeaturedNeuroscience·January 27, 2025·6 min readSynchronizing Nerve Stimulation With Heartbeat Boosts EffectivenessSynchronizing vagus nerve stimulation with natural body rhythms, such as the heartbeat and breathing, significantly improves its effectiveness. This "electric pill" technique uses ear-mounted electrodes to stimulate the vagus nerve, targeting chronic conditions like pain and inflammation.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyOpen Neuroscience Articles·August 17, 2020·5 min readSimultaneous Stimulation Helped a Spinal Cord Injury Patient Regain the Ability to WalkThe application of synchronized transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) restored the ability to walk in a patient with spinal cord injury.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·May 18, 2020·2 min readStudy traces brain-to-gut connectionsResearchers have traced neural pathways that connect the brain to the gut. The findings provide a biological mechanism that explains how stress can cause ulcers.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·November 7, 2019·4 min readWhere does Parkinson’s disease start? In the brain or gut? Or both?Lewy body disorders, including Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementia, comprise of two distinct subtypes. One subtype originates in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) of the gut and spreads to the brain. The other originates in the brain, or enters the brain via the olfactory system, before spreading to the brainstem and PNS.Read More
FeaturedGeneticsNeurologyNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·July 5, 2019·4 min readDiscovery reveals prolific ability of Schwann cells to generate myelinSchwann cells are much more prolific in generating myelin than previously believed. Knocking out the fbxw7 gene in mouse models, researchers discovered individual Schwann cells began to spread myelin across many axons.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·April 7, 2019·4 min readMicroglia, cells thought restricted to central nervous system, are redefined in new studyIn response to injury, microglia cross the spinal boundary from the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system. While in the PNS, microglia provide the function of clearing cellular debris at the point of injury, then return to the CNS in an altered state. Researchers propose this could account for some damage associated with neurodegenerative diseases.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeurosciencePsychology·November 24, 2017·5 min readStress in Pregnancy Linked to Changes in Infant’s Nervous System and Psychological Well BeingUCSF researchers report maternal stress could impact the development of a child's parasympathetic nervous system, both in utero and after birth. Additionally, children whose mothers were stressed during pregnancy smile less, are less engaged and have a diminished ability to regulate emotions.Read More
FeaturedGeneticsNeurologyOpen Neuroscience Articles·April 26, 2017·5 min readHIPPO’s Molecular Balancing Act Helps Nerves Not Short CircuitStudy reports it may be possible to fine tune molecular signals to insure peripheral nerves are correctly insulated and function properly.Read More
FeaturedGenetics·August 3, 2016·5 min readNovel Genetic Mutation May Lead to the Progressive Loss of Motor FunctionResearchers have identified a mechanism that appears to be responsible for a rare form of pediatric neuropathy.Read More
AutismFeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·June 9, 2016·5 min readAutism is Not Just a Disease of the Brain: Mouse StudyA new study reports some aspects of autism spectrum disorders are linked to defects in how peripheral nerves communicate sensory information to the brain.Read More
FeaturedNeurology·March 9, 2016·5 min readChanges in Heart Activity May Signal EpilepsyAccording to a new study, the heart rate during sleep in children with epilepsy is significantly slower than in those without the condition.Read More
FeaturedNeurology·November 30, 2015·6 min readMigraines May Worsen for Asthma SufferersAccording to researchers, people with pre-existing asthma who experience occasional migraines are at risk of developing chronic migraines.Read More