FeaturedPsychology·March 15, 2018·5 min readADHD Drug Increases Glutamate and Positive Emotion in Healthy PeopleA new study reveals a psychostimulant prescribed for ADHD increases glutamate in the brains of healthy people, resulting in more positive emotions.Read More
AutismFeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·August 21, 2017·6 min readGut Microbes May Talk to the Brain Through CortisolResearchers identify a predictive relationship between serotonin, cortisol and fecal microbiota. The study provides additional support for previous findings that implicate gut bacteria in ASD.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·September 19, 2016·4 min readTranscranial Direct Current Stimulation Raises Glutamate LevelsResearchers measure changes in brain metabolism during tDCS.Read More
FeaturedNeurology·December 17, 2013·3 min readBrain Chemical Ratios Help Predict Developmental Delays in Preterm InfantsA new study identifies a possible biomarker for predicting whether preterm infants are at risk for developing motor developmental problems.Read More
AutismFeatured·August 1, 2013·4 min readBrain Chemistry Changes in Children with Autism Offer Clues to Earlier Detection and InterventionA new study finds that between ages 3 and 10, children with ASD exhibit distinct brain chemical changes which differ from children with developmental delays and those considered to undergo typical neurodevelopment.Read More