Brain CancerFeaturedNeurologyNeuroscience·January 4, 2021·5 min readBrain Cancer Linked to Tissue HealingStudy reports brain tumors may arise when damaged brain tissue does not heal correctly. Researchers say some glioblastoma form when the normal healing process gets derailed by mutations. This process could begin many years before patients become symptomatic of brain cancer.Read More
Brain CancerFeaturedGeneticsNeurology·June 4, 2018·5 min readA Potential Achilles Heel in Brain CancerA new study in PNAS reports blocking the expression of MDA-9/Syntenin forces glioma stem cells to lose their ability to induce protective autophagy.Read More
Brain CancerFeaturedNeurologyOpen Neuroscience Articles·September 5, 2017·4 min readZika Virus Could Be Used to Treat Brain Cancer PatientsA new study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine report Zika virus could be used to target and treat glioblastoma brain cancer. Researchers found a mouse adapted strain of Zika slowed tumor growth and extended life span in mice with glioblastoma.Read More
Brain CancerFeaturedGenetics·December 15, 2016·6 min readAttractive Drug Candidate Identified as Target For Glioma Brain TumorsResearchers have identified an enzyme associated with aggressive gliomas.Read More
Brain CancerFeaturedOpen Neuroscience Articles·June 11, 2015·4 min readResearchers Disrupt Brain Tumor Stem CellsDiscovery could pave the way to developing new treatments to target glioblastoma brain cancer.Read More