Psychology News

These research articles involve many aspects of psychology such as cognitive psychology, depression studies, mental health, stress, happiness and neuropsychology, Scroll below for more specific categories.

Taking a mobile neuroimaging system on the road to prisons, researchers look at the brain activity of those considered to be psychopaths and discover their brains are wired in a way that leads them to over-value immediate rewards while neglecting future consequences.
Image shows a woman's face.
Could it be possible to judge a person's socioeconomic status by simply looking at their face? A new study revels that people can accurately assess whether a person is rich or poor, but only when the person displays a neutral face that is void of a smile or emotion.
Image shows a fat mouse and a thin mouse.
According to a new study, your sense of smell could be responsible for weight gain. Using mice, researchers noticed that those who lost their sense of smell also lost weight, while those mice with a super sense of smell gained more weight on a high fat diet than mice with a regular sense of smell. Findings suggest odor may play an important role in calorie burning processes; if you can't smell your food, you may burn it rather than store it.
Image shows a football and helmet.
A new study looks at the long term neurological and mental health outcomes of people who participated in high school football teams. Researcher report playing football appears to not adversely affect cognition or depressive symptoms later in life. They acknowledge the findings may not be generalized for modern players due to changes in play style, protective equipment and improved safety measures.
Image shows a cartoon of a woman sleeping.
Researchers have identified neurons that appear to play a critical role in connecting sleep and emotions. The findings provide an important insight into the pathophysiology of insomnia and the role of orexin in arousal regulation. Researchers hope their findings will lead to new remedies for sleep disorders.
Image shows a child looking at peanuts.
A new study reveals a link between a food allergy diagnosis and social anxiety in children of low socioeconomic status. The study found 57% of children with food allergies report anxiety symptoms. Researchers suggest food allergies are linked to elevated social anxiety, fear of social rejection and also humiliation in children.
Image shows two people talking.
According to researchers, people tend to change the pitch of their voice depending on who they are talking to and how dominant they feel. The study found that a person's vocal characteristics altered in response to people of different social status. When a person was believed to be more dominant, people's voices became more high pitched.