FeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience ArticlesVisual Neuroscience·November 29, 2021·4 min readWhich Side Is Which? How the Brain Perceives BordersNeurons in deep layers of the brain's cortex are the first to decipher which side of a visual border is an object and which side is the background.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·September 7, 2021·6 min readMassage Stones Help Uncover Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Sensory PerceptionFindings shed new light on the role the prefrontal cortex plays in sensory processing and perception.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·August 5, 2021·6 min readThis Touchy-Feely Glove Senses and Maps Tactile StimuliA new touch-sensing glove can feel pressure and other tactile stimuli, researchers report. The glove has applications for those with motor function disorders and could be adapted from virtual reality gaming experiences.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·June 9, 2021·4 min readEating Soft Foods May Alter the Brain’s Control of ChewingRats fed either a diet of soft or hard foods showed differences in jaw activity and muscle control when a chewing-related region of the brain was stimulated. Findings reveal the anterior cortical masticatory area strongly influences the regulation of chewing and is influenced by sensory input during development.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·April 14, 2021·4 min readSee Before You Smell: Why You Should Look At Your Food Before Casting JudgmentResearchers say the order in which your senses interact with food items impacts how much you enjoy your meal.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·March 3, 2021·3 min readDietary Fats Interact With Grape Tannins to Influence Wine TasteStudy reveals how lipids interact with grape tannins, masking the unfavorable taste of certain wine compounds and altering taste perception.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscienceVisual Neuroscience·February 16, 2021·8 min readHow the Human Brain May Tap Into Visual Cues When Lacking a Sense of TouchStudy of people who are unable to feel touch reveals surprising new details about how we unconsciously embody our physical selves.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·February 10, 2021·4 min readHow the Brain Makes Sense of TouchStudy identifies specific neurons that help activate sensory processing in nearby nerve cells. The findings suggest ways the brain integrates signals essential for tactile perception and learning.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·October 15, 2020·5 min readHow the Nervous System Mutes or Boosts Sensory Information to Make Behavioral DecisionsResearchers have identified a novel neural network in fruit flies that converts external stimuli of varying intensity into decisions about whether to act.Read More
AutismFeatured·September 25, 2020·4 min readResearch Challenges Conventional Wisdom About Key Autism TraitSensorimotor problems associated with ASD are caused by several complex and precise neurobiological processes, including differences in the way those with autism perceive the world around them.Read More
FeaturedNeurology·July 20, 2020·3 min readOlder Adults Who Can Really Smell the Roses May Face Lower Likelihood of DementiaOlder adults with a higher ability to process sensations, including vision, olfaction, hearing, and touch, had half the risk of being diagnosed with cognitive decline than their peers who were less capable at sensory processing tasks.Read More
Auditory NeuroscienceFeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·May 12, 2020·2 min readHow the brain responds to the sudden sound of silent dangerStudy provides insight into the neural mechanisms of how prey animals use the sounds or actions of others to infer danger and respond defensively.Read More