This shows an older man.
People whose anxiety resolved did not have a higher dementia risk than people without current or past anxiety. Credit: Neuroscience News

Anxiety Raises Dementia Risk

Summary: A new study reveals that chronic and new anxiety are linked to a higher risk of dementia, while resolved anxiety shows no such association. Following 2,132 Australian individuals for 10 years, researchers found that chronic and new anxiety increased dementia risk by 2.8 and 3.2 times, respectively. Those whose anxiety began before age 70 faced even greater risks. The findings suggest that addressing anxiety could help prevent dementia.

Key Facts:

  1. Chronic and new anxiety increase dementia risk by 2.8 and 3.2 times.
  2. Study tracked 2,132 individuals with an average age of 76 over 10 years.
  3. Resolved anxiety showed no increased risk of dementia.

Source: Wiley

In a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, both chronic and new anxiety were associated with an increased risk of dementia. However, where anxiety had resolved, there was no association with dementia risk.

The study included 2,132 individuals with an average age of 76 years who were participating in the Hunter Community Study in Australia and who were followed for an average of 10 years.

The presence of chronic anxiety and new onset anxiety were associated with 2.8- and 3.2-times higher risks of having dementia, respectively. Even higher risks were seen in adults with anxiety before the age of 70 years.

People whose anxiety resolved did not have a higher dementia risk than people without current or past anxiety.

“While this sort of question cannot be subject to a randomized controlled trial, this prospective cohort study used causal inference methods to explore the role of anxiety in promoting the development of dementia,” said corresponding author Kay Khaing, MMed, of the University of Newcastle.

“The findings suggest that anxiety may be a new risk factor to target in the prevention of dementia and also indicate that treating anxiety may reduce this risk.”

About this anxiety and dementia research news

Author: Sara Henning-Stout
Source: Wiley
Contact: Sara Henning-Stout – Wiley
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.
The effect of anxiety on all cause dementia: a longitudinal analysis from the Hunter Community Study” by Kay Khaing et al. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society


The effect of anxiety on all cause dementia: a longitudinal analysis from the Hunter Community Study


Anxiety is common, however, the effect of chronicity of anxiety on dementia has not been explored. This study aims to assess the longitudinal relationship between chronic versus resolved versus new onset anxiety, and all-cause dementia risk.


A total of 2132 participants with mean age 76 years from the Hunter Community Study were recruited. Anxiety was measured using Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10). Dementia was defined as per International Classification of Disease—10 codes. The Fine–Gray subdistribution hazard model was computed to assess dementia risk, while adjusting for the competing risk of death.


Chronic anxiety and new onset anxiety at follow-up were associated with all-cause dementia risk (HR 2.80, 95% CI 1.35–5.72 and HR 3.20, 95% CI 1.40–7.45 respectively) with an average time to dementia diagnosis of 10 years (SD = 1.7) whereas resolved anxiety was not. In subgroup analyses, these results were driven particularly by chronic and new anxiety among participants below the age of 70 years (HR 4.58, 95% CI 01.12–18.81 and HR 7.21, 95%CI 1.86–28.02 respectively). Sensitivity analyses imputing missing data and addressing reverse causation gave very similar results.


Chronic and new anxiety were associated with increased risk of all-cause dementia, and this association was significant in those 70 years and younger. However, the resolved anxiety at follow-up reduced the risk, similar to that of the non-exposed group. These results suggest that timely management of anxiety may be a viable strategy in reducing the risk of dementia.

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