FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscience·May 12, 2020·5 min readHow memory function could be preserved after brain injurySuppressing TLR4 activity following a traumatic brain injury, such as concussion, reduces excitability, and improves working memory performance up-to a month later.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscience·April 29, 2020·4 min readSimple ‘sniff test’ reliably predicts recovery of severely brain injured patientsA simple smell test could help doctors to identify which patients in a vegetative state will recover. 100% of patients in a vegetative state who reacted to the sniff test went on to regain consciousness. 91% of those were still alive three years post-injury.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscience·April 9, 2020·4 min readAlarming abusive head trauma revealed in computational simulation impact studyComputational model provides caregivers and doctors a better understanding of the potential outcomes for a young child who suffers from a head injury as a result of abuse.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·April 9, 2020·3 min readFirst in-human study of drug targeting brain inflammation supports further developmentMW189, a small molecule drug candidate, blocks abnormal inflammation in the brain which contributes to injury and disease induced neurological impairments.Read More
FeaturedGeneticsNeurologyNeuroscience·February 24, 2020·4 min read‘Resetting’ immune cells improves traumatic brain injury recoveryBy inhibiting a particular receptor microglia use to survive, researchers reduced neuroinflammation and prompted recovery following traumatic brain injury in mouse models.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeurosciencePsychology·February 19, 2020·3 min readChildhood behaviors may predict traumatic brain injuries later in lifeBoys who exhibit inattention-hyperactivity by age 10 have an increased risk for traumatic brain injury later in life.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·February 15, 2020·5 min readSoldiers with TBI have higher rates of mental health disorders than those with other serious injuriesSoldiers who suffer traumatic brain injury are significantly more likely than those who suffer other serious injuries to be diagnosed with mental health disorders including PTSD, schizophrenia, and anxiety.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·February 15, 2020·5 min readWWI Helmets Protect Against Shock Waves Just as Well as Modern DesignsStudy reveals the French Adrian helmet, a combat helmet from World War 1, performs better than modern designs in protecting from overhead blasts.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeurosciencePsychology·January 21, 2020·3 min readTraumatic brain injury impairs hormone production, disrupting sleep, cognition, and memoryGrowth hormone replacement therapy for those with mild traumatic brain injury helped improve cognition, anxiety, and depression while reducing fatigue and sleep disturbances.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscience·January 16, 2020·3 min readAntipsychotics associated with increased risk of head & brain injuries in persons with Alzheimer’s diseaseAlzheimer's patients who used antipsychotics had a 29% increased risk of head injury and a 22% higher risk of TBI compared to others with the neurodegenerative disease who did not use the medications.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·January 16, 2020·2 min readLifetime suicide risk factors identifiedAnalyzing previous studies, researchers have identified the effects of individual and environmental risk factors for suicide over a person's lifespan. The risk factors, researchers report, change throughout a person's lifetime.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·January 15, 2020·5 min readBlue light can help heal mild traumatic brain injuryDaily, early morning exposure to blue light therapy can help the healing process in people suffering from mild traumatic brain injury.Read More