FeaturedPsychology·July 13, 2015·2 min readLack of Sleep Makes Memories Less Accessible When Under StressAccording to a new study, sleep loss can have a negative impact on memory recollection, especially during stressful situations.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·June 16, 2015·3 min readExposure to Stressed Mom’s Vaginal Microbiome at Birth Impacts Child’s Brain DevelopmentA new study reports that changes in a mother's vaginal microbiome due to stress can impact brain development and gut microbiota in her offspring.Read More
FeaturedOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·June 16, 2015·4 min readDepressed and Stressed Women Have Lower Levels of Longevity HormoneA new study reports women with symptoms of clinical depression have lower levels of klotho in their blood.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·March 23, 2015·2 min readHarmful Effects of Smoking Reflected in Facial Movements of Unborn BabiesNeuroimaging study finds higher rates of mouth movements in unborn babies of mothers who smoke.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·March 11, 2015·2 min readMore Risk of Insomnia for People with Lower Amounts of Sleep SpindlesA new study identifies lower amounts of sleep spindles can cause poor sleep patterns.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·February 9, 2015·4 min readSerotonin Deficient Brains More Vulnerable to Social StressAccording to a new study, transgenic mice with serotonin deficiencies are more vulnerable to social stressors that their normal litter-mates.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·January 16, 2015·3 min readThe Secret of EmpathyIn both mice and men, stress from the presence of strangers prevents feelings of empathy, a new study reports.Read More
ElectrophysiologyFeaturedNeurology·January 6, 2015·1 min readResearchers Find Clue to Cause of Tics in Tourette SyndromeThe loss of a specific type of neuron in the dorsal striatum has been found to cause Tourette like tics in mice, a new study reports.Read More
FeaturedOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·December 23, 2014·2 min readStress May Increase Desire for Reward but Not PleasureA new study could help explain why stress often leads people to binge eat or relapse into addiction.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·December 1, 2014·3 min readHow Early Trauma Influences BehaviourStressful or traumatic experiences in childhood change how people deal with difficult situations later in life, a new study reports.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·November 6, 2014·4 min readPregnant Women with PTSD More Likely to Give Birth PrematurelyA new study reports pregnant women with PTSD are at increased risk of preterm birth.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·September 25, 2014·3 min readHow Physical Exercise Protects the Brain from Stress Induced DepressionResearchers report exercise can produce changes in skeletal muscles which can purge the blood of a protein that accumulates during stress.Read More