FeaturedPsychology·May 6, 2015·5 min readCorrelation Between Sleep Loss and Mental Health Problems in ChildrenAccording to a new study, four year old children with sleep disorders have higher risks of developing psychiatric problems during later childhood.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·May 4, 2015·6 min readFuzzy Thinking Rooted in Brain Activity DifferencesA new study reports the fuzzy thinking effect experienced by people with depression has a neurological basis.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·April 22, 2015·3 min readInsulin-Like Hormone Increases Lithium Sensitivity in Bipolar PatientsA new study suggests insulin-like growth factor 1 can increase lithium sensitivity in bipolar patients for whom initial lithium treatment proved ineffective.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·March 30, 2015·4 min readChanges to Brain Areas Associated with Emotion and Memory Induced by ECTAccording to a new study, electroconvulsive therapy causes changes to areas of the brain responsible for memory and emotion.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·March 23, 2015·2 min readHarmful Effects of Smoking Reflected in Facial Movements of Unborn BabiesNeuroimaging study finds higher rates of mouth movements in unborn babies of mothers who smoke.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·March 13, 2015·2 min readDepression in Fathers Can Cause Anxiety in ToddlersA new study reports that a father's depression during the postpartum period can impact the behavior of their toddler.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·March 3, 2015·3 min readADHD Plus Childhood Trauma Heightens Risk for Self Harm and SuicideResearchers report young women with ADHD who have also faced childhood trauma are at increased risk of self harm and suicide.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·February 22, 2015·2 min readDeconstructing Mental Illness Through Ultradian RhythmsSleep abnormalities result in an imbalance of an ultradian rhythm generator which is relies on dopamine, a new study reports.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyPsychology·February 20, 2015·2 min readDiabetes and Depression Predict Dementia Risk in People with MCIAccording to a new study, people with MCI have a greater risk of developing dementia if they have diabetes.Read More
FeaturedPsychology·February 9, 2015·4 min readSerotonin Deficient Brains More Vulnerable to Social StressAccording to a new study, transgenic mice with serotonin deficiencies are more vulnerable to social stressors that their normal litter-mates.Read More
FeaturedGeneticsPsychology·January 20, 2015·2 min readConnection Between Childhood Adversity and Psychiatric Disorders Seen at Cellular LevelChildhood adversity and lifetime psychopathology are associated with shorter telomeres and higher mtDNA content, a new study reports.Read More
FeaturedNeurologyOpen Neuroscience ArticlesPsychology·December 29, 2014·3 min readSelf Reporting Healthy Aging Brain Care Monitor For Dementia is Reliable and ValidA patient self reporting version of the HABC monitor has been deemed reliable and valid by researchers, according to a new study.Read More