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This shows a brain.
Credit: Neuroscience News

From Human Uniqueness to Mental Imagery: This Week’s Top 5 Neuroscience Insights, September 17, 2023

Summary: New research delves into the distinctive human trait of sequential memory, setting us apart from bonobos. A recent study has also highlighted the joy in chasing passions over accomplishments. Groundbreaking discoveries show the human brain’s computational prowess, mirroring high-powered computers.

Additionally, the footprint of Big Tobacco is evident in the modern American diet through the promotion of hyperpalatable foods. Lastly, understanding the range of mind’s visualization abilities, from hyperphantasia to aphantasia, opens avenues for innovative treatments.

Source: Neuroscience News

Welcome to this week’s roundup of our top Neuroscience research articles.

These are the top five posts that have had our readers buzzing over the past seven days.

#5: Sequential Memory Is A Unique Human Trait

Diving deep into cognitive capabilities, scientists uncovered that humans might exclusively possess the ability to recognize and remember sequential data.

Credit: Neuroscience News

This stands in stark contrast to our close relatives, the bonobos, who find it challenging to grasp order in stimuli.

This capacity potentially underpins unique human cultural facets, like language and complex planning.

#4: Chasing Hobbies Over Achievement Boosts Happiness

People prioritizing personal freedom and hobbies report heightened well-being compared to those emphasizing achievements, a sentiment echoed across India, Turkey, and the UK.

Highlighting the significance of balanced life values, the study suggests that ‘hedonism’ and ‘self-direction’ boost happiness, while ‘achievement’ and ‘conformity’ don’t have the same direct happiness correlation.

#3: Human Brain Acts Like Super Computer: Advanced Calculations in Human Perception

Scientists have unveiled the human brain’s intrinsic capability to execute advanced calculations, similar to powerful computers.

By utilizing Bayesian inference, our brains merge prior knowledge with new evidence, allowing rapid and precise interpretations of our environment.

This innate design promises to influence everything from AI advancements to therapeutic strategies in neurology.

#2: Big Tobacco’s Legacy: Pushing Hyperpalatable Foods in America

Despite exiting the U.S. food system by the mid-2000s, tobacco companies left a lasting imprint. Their promotion of hyperpalatable foods, rich in salts, sugars, and fats, endures in the American dietary landscape.

Between 1988-2001, foods associated with tobacco giants were more likely to fall under the hyperpalatable category than those from other companies.

#1: Unlocking Aphantasia – The Mysterious Spectrum of Mind’s Visualization

Visualization skills vary widely among individuals, ranging from hyperphantasia’s vivid mental imagery to the complete lack seen in aphantasia.

Recent studies show that while those with aphantasia possess a keen perception of reality and intact memory or language processing, they might exhibit a minor flaw in consciousness.

Such insights could unlock potential treatments for conditions like PTSD, marked by unwelcome mental imagery.

For more information about the studies, click on the links above.

Thank you for taking the time to read our weekly review. Don’t forget to visit us daily for all the latest research news in neuroscience, AI, psychology, and cognitive sciences.

Until next week, stay safe and keep your neurons firing!

About this Neuroscience research news

Author: Neuroscience News Communications
Source: Neuroscience News
Contact: Neuroscience News Communications – Neuroscience News
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

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