Summary: Recent neuroimaging research has delineated the distinct brain processes involved in understanding and enjoying humor.
The study demonstrates the involvement of the dorsal striatum (DS) in humor comprehension and the ventral striatum (VS) in humor appreciation. Using fMRI scans of 26 adults during joke tasks and sitcom viewing, researchers found that while the DS and VS both contribute to humor comprehension, only the VS is involved in humor appreciation.
This groundbreaking study sheds light on the nuanced roles of subcortical brain regions in humor processing.
Key Facts:
- The study identified the dorsal striatum as crucial for humor comprehension, a function previously underexplored in humor studies.
- The ventral striatum was shown to be involved in both humor comprehension and appreciation, emphasizing its role in the enjoyment of humor.
- This research used two different humor-elicitation tasks during fMRI scans to distinguish the brain regions involved in understanding jokes and experiencing mirth.
Source: Neuroscience News
Humor is a ubiquitous aspect of human experience, often seen as a seamless blend of cognition and emotion. Yet, what happens in our brains when we ‘get’ a joke or enjoy it?
A recent study published in Journal of Neuroscience provided some fascinating answers, revealing the distinct roles of specific brain regions in humor comprehension and appreciation.
The research team, comprised of neuroscientists specializing in cognitive processing and emotional responses, embarked on an exploration of the neural correlates of humor. Utilizing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), they delved into the brain’s response to humorous stimuli in 26 healthy adults, comprising both males and females.

This study employed two distinct humor-elicitation tasks during the fMRI scans: a traditional joke task and a more naturalistic audio-visual sitcom paradigm, featuring episodes of the popular TV show “Seinfeld.”
The study’s findings are significant, not least because they illuminate the intricate workings of the brain in response to humor. Prior research predominantly focused on cortical brain regions involved in humor processing, often overlooking the subcortical structures.
This research fills that gap by highlighting the roles of the dorsal striatum (DS) and ventral striatum (VS) in humor processing.
The dorsal striatum, known for its involvement in cognitive functions like working memory, ambiguity processing, and cognitive flexibility, emerged as a key player in humor comprehension. This aspect of humor involves the intellectual understanding of a joke, including recognizing its humorous intent and resolving any ambiguities.
The study’s findings indicate that the DS is actively engaged in this process, providing new insights into the cognitive underpinnings of humor.
On the other hand, the ventral striatum, critical in reward processing and enjoyment, was implicated in both humor comprehension and appreciation.
Humor appreciation is characterized by the emotional response to humor – the feeling of mirth, joy, and the act of laughter itself.
The study revealed that while the VS is involved in understanding humor, its role is more pronounced in the enjoyment aspect, resonating with its known function in pleasure and reward.
These findings are not just academic curiosities. They offer potential applications in understanding and treating mood disorders where humor appreciation or comprehension might be impaired, such as in depression or certain types of cognitive impairments.
By unraveling the neural mechanics of humor, the study paves the way for new therapeutic approaches that could leverage humor as a tool for emotional and cognitive rehabilitation.
The study’s methodological approach deserves mention. By using two different humor-elicitation tasks, the researchers were able to robustly test their hypotheses across varied contexts.
The traditional joke task allowed for a controlled assessment of humor processing, while the sitcom viewing provided a more naturalistic, ecologically valid setting to observe brain responses to humor.
However, the study is not without its limitations. The sample size, while adequate for initial findings, calls for larger-scale studies for generalization. Additionally, the complexity of humor, which often transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries, means that these findings are just the beginning of a more extensive exploration into the neuroscience of humor.
In conclusion, this study marks a significant advancement in our understanding of humor processing in the brain. It underscores the importance of subcortical brain regions in cognitive and emotional aspects of humor, delineating the roles of the dorsal and ventral striatum in humor comprehension and appreciation, respectively.
As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the brain, studies like this shed light on the profound ways in which our neural circuitry shapes our everyday experiences, even in something as seemingly straightforward as enjoying a good laugh.
About this humor and neuroscience research news
Author: Neuroscience News Communications
Source: Neuroscience News
Contact: Neuroscience News Communications – Neuroscience News
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News
Original Research: Closed access.
“Establishing the roles of the dorsal and ventral striatum in humor comprehension and appreciation with fMRI” by Margaret Prenger et al. Journal of Neuroscience
Establishing the roles of the dorsal and ventral striatum in humor comprehension and appreciation with fMRI
Humor comprehension (i.e., “getting” a joke) and humor appreciation (i.e., enjoying a joke) are distinct, cognitively complex processes.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations have identified several key cortical regions but have overlooked subcortical structures that have theoretical importance in humor processing.
The dorsal striatum (DS) contributes to working memory, ambiguity processing, and cognitive flexibility – cognitive functions that are required to accurately recognize humorous stimuli. The ventral striatum (VS) is critical in reward processing and enjoyment.
We hypothesized that the DS and VS play important roles in humor comprehension and appreciation, respectively. We investigated the engagement of these regions in these distinct processes using fMRI.
Twenty-six healthy young male and female human adults completed two humor-elicitation tasks during a 3 Tesla fMRI scan: a traditional behavior-based joke task and a naturalistic audio-visual sitcom paradigm (i.e., Seinfeld-viewing task).
Across both humor-elicitation methods, whole-brain analyses revealed cortical activation in the inferior frontal gyrus, the middle frontal gyrus, and the middle temporal gyrus for humor comprehension, and the temporal cortex for humor appreciation.
Additionally, with region of interest (ROI) analyses, we specifically examined whether DS and VS activation correlated with these processes.
Across both tasks, we demonstrated that humor comprehension implicates both the DS and the VS, whereas humor appreciation only engages the VS.
These results establish the role of the DS in humor comprehension, which has been previously overlooked, and emphasize the role of the VS in humor processing more generally.