Brain Evolution Is Linked to Competition

Summary: In a highly competitive environment, Trinidadian killifish grow larger brains. This neuro-evolution allows for greater fitness and survival rates.

Source: UT Arlington

In response to a high-competition environment, Trinidadian killifish evolve larger brains, increasing their fitness and survival rates, according to a new study in Ecology Letters by biologists at The University of Texas at Arlington.

The study, led by biology Professor Matthew Walsh and Kaitlyn Howell (’22 PhD, Biology), examined the connection between brain size and fitness when killifish are found in their native habitats and when they are transplanted from sites with predators to high-competition sites that lack predators.

During a 30-day experiment near Arima, Trinidad, the researchers determined that when a fish is transplanted from a low- to a high-competition environment, there is a strong relationship between larger brain size and faster growth. That growth demonstrates increased ability to forage for food, giving killifish a greater chance at survival.

This shows a brain
The study provides some of the first experimental evidence for which factors could be driving brain-size variation. Image is in the public domain

Furthermore, killifish from high-competition sites that remained in their native habitat for the duration of the experiment did not exhibit any change in brain size. The transplanted fish that persisted until the end of the experiment exhibited a much larger brain size than those fish that were not observed again.

“Scientists have known about large differences in vertebrate brain size for more than 100 years, and there are many hypotheses about why the vertebrate brain evolves,” Walsh said. “This study highlights the important role that competition may play.”

The study provides some of the first experimental evidence for which factors could be driving brain-size variation.

Howell said the experiment was prompted by the observation that killifish in sites without predators have larger brains than others.

“We knew there were differences in brain size between these two populations of fish, but we didn’t know why,” Howell said. “These results provide experimental support that larger brains can be adaptive and increase fitness in environments that are characterized by high population densities, low resources and intense competition.”

About this evolutionary neuroscience research news

Author: Linsey Retcofsky
Source: UT Arlington
Contact: Linsey Retcofsky – UT Arlington
Image: The image is in the public domain

Original Research: Closed access.
Transplant experiments demonstrate that larger brains are favoured in high-competition environments in Trinidadian killifish” by Matthew Walsh et al. Ecology Letters


Transplant experiments demonstrate that larger brains are favoured in high-competition environments in Trinidadian killifish

The extent to which the evolution of a larger brain is adaptive remains controversial. Trinidadian killifish (Anablepsoides hartii) are found in sites that differ in predation intensity; fish that experience decreased predation and increased intraspecific competition exhibit larger brains.

We evaluated the connection between brain size and fitness (survival and growth) when killifish are found in their native habitats and when fish are transplanted from sites with predators to high-competition sites that lack predators. Selection for a larger brain was absent within locally adapted populations.

Conversely, there was a strong positive relationship between brain size and growth in transplanted but not resident fish in high-competition environments. We also observed significantly larger brain sizes in the transplanted fish that were recaptured at the end of the experiment versus those that were not.

Our results provide experimental support that larger brains increase fitness and are favoured in high-competition environments.

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