This shows people climbing a mountain while another looks on.
High passion and determination are directly related to positive attitudes in adults. Credit: Neuroscience News

Positive Attitude Boosts Passion and Determination

Summary: New research links a positive attitude, or “growth mindset,” to higher levels of passion and determination. A study of over 1,500 participants aged 13 to 77 found that those with the most positive outlook had significantly greater willpower and enthusiasm than those with a negative mindset.

This connection can impact life satisfaction, learning, and goal achievement across various areas, from school to work. The findings highlight the importance of fostering a belief in personal growth to motivate individuals and help them succeed.

Key Facts

  • Growth Mindset Impact: People with a growth mindset show significantly higher passion and determination.
  • Wide Implications: A positive attitude influences satisfaction, learning, and long-term success.
  • Motivational Tool: Understanding mindset differences can help motivate diverse groups to achieve goals.

Source: NTNU

A positive attitude, what researchers call a “growth mindset” or belief in growth, is associated with both higher willpower and passion, according to a new large study.

People who believe they will succeed are far more passionate and have greater willpower than those who do not have the belief, says Hermundur Sigmundsson, a professor at the Department of Psychology at NTNU.

Sigmundsson has worked for many years to find out what makes people succeed in their goals. Now, he and Professor Monika Haga at NTNU’S Department of Teacher Education have joined forces.

Video Credit: Neuroscience News

Their paper, “Passion and grit in individuals with high levels of growth mindset are different than in individuals who have low growth mindset,” is published in the journal Acta Psychologica.

The two looked at 1,548 participants aged 13 to 77 to assess various factors needed to become good at something. First, they considered the participants’ passion, determination and belief that they would succeed in their goals. Here, of course, there are large individual differences.

Then, they compared the participants who had the most positive attitude with the participants who had the least belief that they would succeed. The differences are clear.

“We find large differences in passion and determination when we compare the five percent who have the most positive attitude with the five percent who are the most negative,” Sigmundsson said.

These groups are different. High passion and determination are directly related to positive attitudes in adults.

“Our results can help us better understand the connections between different factors. These are in turn related to how satisfied people are with their lives, how they feel, what they have already achieved and learning,” Sigmundsson said.

When we know more about what characterizes people with different attitudes, we can also better understand how we can motivate different groups. We can thus get people to set long-term goals and make an effort to achieve these goals. This is what Sigmundsson calls “getting the I CAN feeling.”

“The belief in growth is important for large parts of our society. This is true for school, sports, work and family life,” he said.

About this positivity and psychology research news

Author: Hermundur Sigmundsson
Source: NTNU
Contact: Hermundur Sigmundsson – NTNU
Image: The image is credited to Neuroscience News

Original Research: Open access.
Passion and grit in individuals with high levels of growth mindset are different than in individuals who have low growth mindset” by Hermundur Sigmundsson et al. Acta Psychologica


Passion and grit in individuals with high levels of growth mindset are different than in individuals who have low growth mindset

The main aim of the study was to investigate whether passion and grit varied in individuals with distinct levels of growth mindset.

From an original sample of 1548 participants in the age 13 to 77 years, two groups with the 5 % highest scoring and the 5 % lowest scoring on growth mindset, respectively, were compared on their scores in passion and grit.

Participants completed as a measure of Mindset the Theories of intelligence Scale (TIS). Grit-S scale was used to assess grit and to assess passion the eight item Passion Scale was used.

Findings displayed that the growth mindset group with low scoring had significantly lower score in passion and grit than the growth mindset group with high scoring, indicating that adults with low growth mindset shows lower levels of passion and grit related to their peers with a high-level score.

These results may probable be significant for better understanding of the relationship between these constructs positively related to life satisfaction, well-being, achievement, and learning.

Additionally, acquiring a better picture of what indicate individuals with different levels of growth mindset can increase our comprehension of how to increase motivation, pursue long-term goals and maintain effort in different groups.

It can be argued that growth mindset should be all encompassing in our society. Both in schools, sports, working life and within the walls of the family.

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