FeaturedNeuroscience·December 21, 2022·4 min readSmoking May Increase Chances of Mid-Life Memory Loss and ConfusionMiddle-aged smokers are more likely to report memory problems and cognitive decline than those who do not smoke. The likelihood of cognitive decline is lower for those who have quit smoking, researchers report.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·November 21, 2022·6 min readLocal Alcohol Availability Related to Child MaltreatmentHaving one or more retail outlets selling alcohol for off-premises consumption in a neighborhood was associated with a 13.5% increase in cases of child abuse and 10.5% more children being entered into the foster care system.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·November 15, 2022·4 min readHow Hormonal Birth Control May Affect the Adolescent BrainHormonal contraception disrupts signal transmission between cells in the prefrontal cortex of adolescents. Hormonal birth control also elevates levels of stress hormones in the brain.Read More
AutismFeaturedGeneticsNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·November 14, 2022·6 min readThe Hunt for Disrupted Brain Signals Behind AutismThe loss of the Arid1b gene interferes with brain cells implicated in signaling inhibition. Reduced inhibitory signaling has previously been associated with a range of autism-related behaviors.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·September 14, 2022·2 min readStress and Worry Over the State of the World Keeps Some Americans up at Night1 in 5 Americans report trouble falling asleep at night, citing worry and stress over world events as a reason for their sleeplessness.Read More
Auditory NeuroscienceFeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·August 17, 2022·5 min readMisophonia Is More Than Just Hating the Sound of ChewingA new study contradicts previous findings that suggest misophonia is caused by a supersensitive connection between the auditory cortex and orofacial motor control areas of the brain.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·June 2, 2022·5 min readBrain Scans Remarkably Good at Predicting Political IdeologyBrain scans taken while people perform tasks and while resting accurately were able to predict a person's political persuasions. The findings provide evidence that partisan political stances may have biological roots.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·January 23, 2022·6 min readThe Best Way to Fix a Sad Mood: Whatever You Think Works BestThose who were sad had rapid improvements in mood when they utilized their strongest skills.Read More