FeaturedNeuroscienceOpen Neuroscience Articles·August 4, 2020·6 min readKey Brain Region Was ‘Recycled’ as Humans Developed the Ability to ReadThe inferior temporal cortex is capable of performing tasks, such as distinguishing between real and nonsense words and picking out specific letters from words.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscienceVisual Neuroscience·October 5, 2015·6 min readIT Looks Familiar: How The Brain Recognizes ObjectsA new study provides evidence that the inferior temporal cortex can identify objects.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·June 19, 2015·6 min readMultiple Cortical Regions Work Together to Process Sensorimotor InformationAccording to new research, multiple cortical regions work together to process sensorimotor information, despite having predetermined specialized roles.Read More
FeaturedNeurosciencePsychology·December 18, 2014·5 min readIn One Aspect of Vision, Computers Catch up to Primate BrainResearchers report their new artificial neural network can identify objects as well as the primate brain can.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·December 20, 2013·4 min readNew Study Reveals Insight into How the Brain Processes Shape and ColorResearchers discover color and shape are represented independently. A new study reports on how the brain's inferior temporal cortex processes visual information.Read More
FeaturedNeuroscience·December 20, 2013·2 min readMapping Objects in the BrainResearcher report a brain region which responds to a particular category of objects consists of a small cluster of neurons which encodes the visual features of these objects.Read More