Psychology News

These research articles involve many aspects of psychology such as cognitive psychology, depression studies, mental health, stress, happiness and neuropsychology, Scroll below for more specific categories.

letter g
Researchers say most people are not aware that two forms of the letter 'g' exist and, for those who are aware, most can not correctly identify or write the typeset version we usually see. The findings suggest the important role writing styles play in letter learning.
Surprise, researchers say, not only has effects on the beliefs of an individual, but also collective effects on the content of culture. As a result, surprise can lead people to change attitudes, shift preconceptions and inspire social change.
brain wih food
A new study sheds light on why some people with Parkinson's disease binge eat. Researchers report working memory impairment and alterations in reward sensitivity could be behind why binge eating can be problematic in those with Parkinson's.
According to a new Frontiers in Neuroscience study, children who participate in structured music lessons showed enhancements in cognitive abilities over their peers who did not receive music lessons. The researchers note the improvements in short term memory, language based reasoning and planning seen in children who had music lessons had a positive impact on academic achievement.